24 June 2015

Life Update June 2015

FashionFake Fashion and Lifestyle blog

I have wanted to post an update of what's going on in my world but never really knew what to say or what to write, but I feel like now is the perfect time to let you guys in as I finally feel like I've had some time to think and reflect, as cheesy as it sounds. Also a few of you commented about missing more of my personal posts so I thought it's about time I shared this with you.

Well there's one big update: I have left my current job and replaced it with another. It was impacting my personal life in too many negative ways and I finally made the decision to pursue my career elsewhere. It was a really hard decision as I really enjoyed what I did and my office was so close to home, but my friends and family started noticing the change in my behaviour, I started to feel really down about everything and the stress started to affect my general health - I can easily say I have never been so 'under the weather' because of being constantly run down and upset.

"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them – work, family, health, friends and spirit … and you’re keeping all of these in the air.
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – family, health, friends and spirit – are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for Balance in your life."
- Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola

I have also decided to take some learning courses to carry on expanding my knowledge in fields which will further me not only in my career, but also just as hobbies for example I’m really keen to take a nutritionist course and also animal psychology! Along those I will also be taking photography (once I save up enough money for a camera – who wants to do a whip around?!), business course and a diploma in digital marketing.
I think learning is so crucial to a person – forever expanding your abilities and knowledge makes you a better person. I kind of gave up for a little while because I felt like I was drowning in what I was doing, but I realised I just came to a stop and that wasn’t inspiring me or motivating me.
Groupon has some amazing offers on courses with like 95% off accredited diplomas so I’ve already got a little wishlist of what I would like to do in the next year.

Another thing I wanted to share with you is we all know how much I love food – eating, making, cooking, discovering… Everything to do with food just makes me happy. I have had thoughts about this for ages, but I finally picked out a name and I am happy to say that this year I will be working on the beginning of my new cookery blog and YouTube channel! I still have a lot to learn and a lot of content to write, however it is something that I am passionate about and so many of you have previously asked me for recipes that I thought this would be perfect! 
What do you guys think? Is there anything in particular which you want me to cover ie gourmet foods/international cuisine/healthy alternatives? Post your comments and I will plan them into my new blog! I will of course still carry on with FashionFake, but this will be a fun add on. Also, please bear with me as I still need to plan a lot of things with this blog so it may take some time to go live. As for YouTube, I still need to figure out how to edit videos so that is my big challenge for the next couple of weeks!

I think all these changes are happening because I’m freaking out a little bit – I’m 25 in a month and I don’t feel like I have achieved all that I wanted by this age. I'm really proud of some aspect of my life: you know I don't live off my parents for one - I'm kind of a self sufficient lady; I have run this blog with passion, sweat and occasionally tears from both happiness and sadness; I have tried so many things most of which have been true life lessons; I have the worlds naughtiest dog which I manage to keep under control most of the time... Mostly it's pressures of society and others around me who are getting married, having kids and buying houses, and I am far, far away from any of those things.   

I need to start smelling the roses, I need to take in the air around me and I need to strive for more but still concentrate on my happiness. And hopefully that is exactly what I'll be doing for the 25th year of my life on this earth - drown myself in positive energy and new experiences, and not worry about anchoring myself to anything just yet. 


  1. This is such a great post and something I can completely resonate with. I have spent so many years putting pressure on myself to try and keep up with everyone around me and I am guilty of knocking myself down when I feel like I am not doing as well as others. I am slowly coming to realise that I need to start being positive about the good things and opportunities I have in my life rather than focusing on the negatives.
    Your cookery blog & channel sound great- looking forward to seeing it xxx

    1. Thank you lovely - I'm glad this is something you can relate to! It's hard not to put pressure on yourself, especially at this age because we're going to be striving for perfection. I need to do exactly what you did and start realising that I actually have a lot to be proud and positive about :)
      Ahh I'm so happy there's been positive feedback on my new cookery venture - is there anything in particular you'd like to see/read?


  2. Congratulations on the new job! I'm so excited for you.

    I can't wait to see your foodie blog/YT channel. Your instagram dinner photos are always making me hungry. International dishes are always interesting to see and try out.

    I completely agree with taking a step back from all the pressures and just focus on things that make you happy.

    The courses sound really interesting. I've been on a few recently with work with emarketeers about digital marketing and social media and they've been fascinating. I also got to meet people from other fields and hear how they do things. Not only courses, but starting the cookery blog will involves lots of new experiences and things to learn.


    1. Thank you Debbie! :)

      I'm very excited to start the cookery blog - there's never a dull moment in our kitchen and I'd love to share what I cook with everyone. Like the other day I cooked cuttlefish which involved gutting it too - it was a challenge but something so different! I love international food so hopefully I can bring you some new dishes to try :)

      Sounds really good - I'm very excited to start learning again. Have you been on many courses with work? I think it's always great to explore new ventures!


  3. That quote is amazing - I want to frame it coz it's so true! :)

    Well done on making those changes though, since you've started i think it'll get easier and easier from then on. I hope you enjoy the new experiences coz sounds like youve had a hard time!

    Alina from The Fairytale Pretty Picture

    1. I know it's fab isn't it! So true.

      Thank you Alina - I am very excited to start juggling a few more projects and see where they take me :)


  4. One of my previous posts on the blogsie was just about that - how society pushes you to succeed with the expense of your happiness. While one's success is to have a baby and a career, another might not feel the same, so while your friends get big houses, maybe you just need a time to relax and read some good books. I hate when someone measures your life by the stuff you have "accomplished" like that ever matters.
    With that said, screw other people, do what you want and what you feel is right! I am very happy you are doing what you love, studying and starting a new food endevour, I'd be sooo thrilled to see it! ^_^
    I'm super interested into international cuisine! I'd love to see some recipes or just general info on it! ^_^

    1. Hi Keit!

      I am going to your blog right now to read it :) It's such an interesting topic because I think a lot of people go though feeling this way, especially in their twenties.

      I'm very happy to hear you're looking forward to my cookery venture - I can't wait to start posting and get the blog up and running. I love international food too - that's one of my main focuses when travelling: trying all the food!


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