14 March 2015

Join the #GoGreen Challenge and Grow an Indoor Allotment!

GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog

I have always enjoyed fresh herbs and vegetables, and many a time have I tried to grow my own produce from seeds. From indoor herb patches to garden allotments, I've tried it and I can easily say not a lot has come out of it. I have grown some tomatoes and courgettes, but soon after the first batch of produce my plants died, and herbs just didn't make it to be big enough to be used in cooking.
Let's face it, fresh herbs are so much more fragrant and tasty than their dried variants and I can easily say that the produce you grow at home will taste one hundred times better than the stuff you buy in stores.
So, without further delay I present you with my first post on how to grow your own indoor herb allotment in partnership with Intellicig, an e-cigarette company who have launched their #GoGreen challenge to show all of us (include you city slickers who don't have a garden/countryside near you) that you can grow your own produce at home and lead healthier and ultimately happier lives. Little confession for you guys - I am a recently ex-smoker. I have quite smoking for good at the beginning of the year after years of having this bad habit. And it is a bad habit, there's no benefit that comes from smoking and I can honestly tell you that I feel so much better for quitting. My mouth doesn't feel dry, I don't have smokey breath and best of all my hangovers are nowhere near as bad as when I used to smoke on nights out. I'm very excited about this and I am proud of myself for kicking this habit which contributes to a much healthier and happier life.

GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog

What you get in this little allotment kit is a cute stand in the shape of a shed with a fence; three sets of seeds which include oregano, basil and coriander; soil pellets; planting pots with drainers; and herb scissors.
GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog

First of all, you have to soak the seed pellets in water until they grow in size and separate. This takes a few minutes so I just let mine soak and went on to do house chores. When I came back the pellets were big and the soil was fluffy and moist. Spread the soil equally around the pot and get planting!

GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog
GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog
GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog

In a pot, plant one variety of seeds. I chose to put in all of my seeds from the packet as this gives more of a chance that the seeds will grow and develop into herbs. Like I said, I'm not exactly green fingered so I'm taking all the chances I can get with this! Spread the seeds around and push them down into the soil but not too far, and ensure that the soil is fluffy and not hard at the top as it's harder for little seeds to push through hard soil. 

GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog

 And there you go! Your mini allotment is ready to grow! Place the allotment in a warm, sunny place (mine is on my breakfast bar) and you should start seeing something sprouting in about 1-2 weeks.
I'm really hoping that my herbs grow nice and strong and maybe after so many failed attempts I have finally got what it takes to grow my own?

GoGreen with Intellicig and FashionFake and grow your own indoor allotment! UK lifestyle blog

And here's the really exciting part: you can win your own indoor allotment! All you have to do is enter the competition through Rafflecopter below and I will be picking the winner on the 5th April 2015.

Update: the competition is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered! The winner was announced on Twitter, 6th April. 


  1. U don't have any tips to #GoGreen, so I will be looking at other peoples answers for some tops xxx

  2. I grow salad my own salad veg, recycle as much as I can, I use my own cloth shopping bags and I use rain water to water my plants!

  3. If you have a small garden you can still grow lots of veg, Grow vining crops,such as tomatoes, pole beans, peas, squash, melons and so on,straight up

  4. turn off lights when your not in the room and dont let taps drip

  5. #gogreen I recycle olive and corn oil and make my own soap :)

  6. Eeeek, this is so exciting! Hope I win! Well, my #gogreen tip isn't a very groundbreaking one, I don't own a car so I travel with my bike as much as I can, the boyfriend does the same. Also, we recycle! :D

  7. grow your own and recycle thankyou

  8. Compost all food waste and recycle and up cycle all u can

  9. recycle everything that is possible in your local area and upcycle anyold funiture etc

  10. Keep a collapsible bucket in the bathroom and use it to catch the hot water that comes through cold before it actually gets hot. Put the water on the plants or lawn.
    Also use the bucket to collect the soapy bath water after bathing. Use it to wash down patios, decking, pots, fencing etc.
    When you've finished, collapse the bucket and pop it behind the loo or pedestal out of the way.

  11. We have just moved and have the tiniest garden. I've bought troughs and tubs to plant herbs, tomatoes, etc. The patio is my new vegetable garden!

  12. recycle and grow your own :)

  13. Make the most of everything, reuse, recycle and avoid food waste by finding a use for everything in the kitchen.

  14. Plan your menu for the week, shop only for the items you need and keep it seasonal

  15. Just about everything can be recycled, I have taught my children that its fun to recycle and we have different bins for everything so guessing what goes in what bin has made recycling fun for my kids!

  16. I have a mini composter in the kitchen, recycle pretty much anything, have water butts etc but my top tip is to take old furniture and appliances to refurbish centres rather than the tip, that way people can reuse your furniture when they can't afford to buy new.

  17. grow lots of fruit and veg xx

  18. Recycle as much as you can!

  19. Recycle and grow your own stuff :)

  20. I think 'going green' is bigger than a tip, it's about developing an attitude to do whatever we reasonably can to be ecological, so that consideration for the planet's resources becomes second nature :)

  21. Recycle, Upcycle and get on your cycle!

    Laura Harris

  22. lots of recycling and growing your own veg x

  23. upcycling is amazing, always use pinterest for inspiration

  24. Always Recycle!


  25. Get the children on board with recycling & upcycling
    ...its a lot more fun

  26. Don't leave appliances on stand by!


  27. Wash up in a bowl and use the water on your garden. Turn off all unused appliances, including the oven. Only boil as much water as you need in the kettle.

  28. #GoGreen I grow some fruit and veg in my garden, try to re-use and recycle as much as possible, and use natural and eco-friendly toiletries and cleanig products. And avoid wasting food by freezing left-overs.

  29. #gogreen Many things can be turned into compost so rather than chucking out those old newspapers, eggshells, peelings, hair from old brushes....use them to make your own compost x

  30. Be as economical as you an and do as much recycling as you can.

  31. Rachel Stephenson29 March 2015 at 20:10

    Grow you own veg and fruit. Even buying lemon grass from the shop and planting in pots so you can grow your own.

  32. Upcycling furniture and clothing.


  33. I recycle my washing up water to use on my plants in my front yard, I also take some of my recyclables (egg boxes, cardboard boxes etc.) to a local children's group so they can make things out of them, I decorate bottles, cans and use them around the house as planters and candle holders and I use plastic bottles in the garden as cloches and to catch the rain water.

  34. Ditch the plastic bags and carry a shopping tote every time you go shopping :) #GoGreen!

  35. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

  36. Just because you don't have a garden doesn't mean you can't grow veg. Last year, I grew all sorts from potatoes to onions in pots on my patio. You need a lot of patience but the end result is well worth it!

  37. Keep a mini compost bin in the kitchen and put all veggie peelings etc in it.


  39. reuse your carrierbags and put things in your recycle bin

  40. reuse carrier bags and recycle plastic

  41. Wash your laundry with cold water instead of hot #GoGreen :)

  42. We pour our soapy dish water on the veggies growing in the garden as it is a natural insect repellent

  43. turn off lights when your not in the room - leanne w

  44. Use the water waiting for the hot tap to warm up to flush the loo

  45. I grow lots of herbs for my rabbits and cooking

  46. Save baby wipe wrappers, milk bottle tops & biscuit wrappers for Terracycle - it helps save them from landfill and helps charities

  47. Recycle as much as possible

  48. we only flush on a number 2 !

  49. Mira Dyussenbayeva2 April 2015 at 15:54

    grow different types of tomatoes. Use some of the seeds next year and you could be growing unique tomatoes due to pollenation

  50. Upcycle! Save wine bottle corks and turn them into pinboards, cut the tops of big plastic bottles and turn them into pencil pots or planters...the possibilities are endless!

  51. We upcycle as much as we can and try and use second hand where ever possible.

  52. Walk as much as possible

  53. Insulate, wear warmer clothing, don't buy over packaged goods.

  54. Growing your own herbs and veg is definitely the way forward! Prices in the supermarket for herbs are ridiculous, and they never last.

  55. try to reuse everything until it is worn out from carrier bags for boot covers to old toothbrushes for cleaning!

  56. We bourght a woodburner and collect wood from the beach,scrap wood being chucked out, skips,etc and only had the central heating on a couple of times during the winter.

  57. recycle and upcycle whenever possible, walk and leave the car at home, or at least take the bus :)

  58. We compost our food waste then use the compost to grow veg at home x

  59. Pam Francis Gregory3 April 2015 at 15:36

    Compost and recycle

  60. I grow my own veg and recycle where I can

  61. we grow our own vegetables, turn everything that we can into compost and recycle.

  62. Using the water you've cooked with - e.g. pasta - to water your plants and use toilet roll tubes to plant out seedlings into the ground. As the plant grows the tube decomposes into the soil and in dry weather you can us clingfilm to cover the tubes with rubber band and pierce to allow air in. it acts as a mini greenhouse. use egg shells to prevent slugs and human hair to deter rabbits no pesticides needed .

  63. make use of your garden, make your own bread and use up all your leftovers

  64. Compost and recycle

  65. Fab prize, I don't have any outdoor space in my new flat so I'd love to win this! As for going green, use as little plastic as possible. Always buy things in reusable glass packaging where possible and opt for things that don't have unnecessary plastic wrapping.

  66. RUR: Reuse - Upcycle - Recycle. I dont always get it right but I am trying : )

  67. Recycle, turn off things that aren't I use rain water to water plants :)

  68. sarah-dawn pope3 April 2015 at 21:21

    Buy secondhand, use canvas shopping bags, compost veg peelings, grow your own food, turn the heating down....I could go on and on and on :)

  69. I make my own compost with veg peel etc, it quickly rots down in the bin and is organic and great

  70. Get the kids involved with planting veggies and salad in the garden and then they are more likely to eat it and thus less wastage!

  71. water the lawn with washing up water to save water. Grow veg with the kids, they love to eat what they've grown.

  72. Upcycling and recyling. I make my own compost, collect rainwater in butts and try to reuse as much as I can in some way.

  73. #GoGreen! Recycle all the way!

  74. recycle and reuse - join a freecycle local group

  75. I recycle, use LED bulbs & plan to start growing my own vegetables this year. #GoGreen

  76. recycling use bath water for plants not edible ones though save rain water use carrier bags kept from previous shopping cut up old clothes for rags instead of buying expensive ones I wash my washing up sponges in the wash and reuse good as new super giveaway

  77. I have got an allotment and i grow all my own fruit an veg, i love it because i only pick what i am going to use so i don't waste anything. I even give my veg peel etc to my chickens and in return they give me beautiful fresh eggs everyday

  78. Recycle as much as you can. I'm teaching my son to recycle and he is 2. Best to start young!!

  79. Recycle everything you can

  80. A compost heap is a very good idea if you have the space!

  81. We always recycle as much as we possibly can, we also have a compost bin, we have a waterbutt to collect rainwater which we can use to water our plants and we always try to grow lots of different vegetables and fruit!

  82. Minimize food waste - pan meals, use leftovers, compost. We aim to scrap nothing but bones

  83. Finding space to grow your own veg can be tough, so we use a variety of upcycled containers to maximise what we have!

  84. Think moneysaving - often these are the things that save the planet too. Grow your own, turn off lights and appliances, plan meals so there are no leftovers, join freecycle for gaining and getting rid of things and stop thinking of recyclers as geeks and think of them as heroes.

  85. Rosie Holloway4 April 2015 at 12:08

    Recyle as much as you possibly can and don't waste food (just buy what you need and plan a menu each week)

  86. To help #GoGreen I only put the lights on in the room I am in if I need the lights on.

  87. get a compost heap going ,recycle your veg scraps and garden waste on it to make new compost for the following year

  88. Recycle everything you can and grow your own chillis
    lisa ann tebbutt

  89. Have 1 night a week without electrity! No TV, lights etc! Just good old fashioned board games and candles

  90. Use a compost bin to dispose of household peelings vegetable waste :)

  91. One small thing you can do is to collect the cold water that runs down the if hole when you are usually waiting for the tap to warm up for the washing up. Then water your plants with it :)

  92. I recycle as much as I can, have a compost heap, and collect rain water for water my plants :)

  93. My go green tip is to put your vegetable peelings in the compost bin.

  94. Denielle Nicol4 April 2015 at 17:59

    Turn as much power consuming stuff in house off as possible, recycle and up cycle everything you can

  95. I have replaced all my household cleaning products to natural. Bathroom, kitchen, window cleaner are natural products.

  96. i love to grow my own fruit, and recycle all the time.

  97. make sure all you bulbs are eco freindly

  98. I use my tuble dryer water on my garden plants and grow some of my own stuff :)

  99. Harvest seeds from tomatoes, sweetcorn and peppers and start planting now. Cheaper tastier and healthiert

  100. Lots of stuff... eco light bulbs, don't leave things on standby, composting food waste, use own shopping bags, natural cleaning products, etc. We would love to grow our own food but only have a small courtyard. This mini allotment would be ideal for us!

  101. Lots of stuff... eco light bulbs, don't leave things on standby, composting food waste, use own shopping bags, natural cleaning products, etc. We would love to grow our own food but only have a small courtyard. This mini allotment would be ideal for us!


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