A few months ago I stumbled on a post in one of my online girl boss networking groups The Coven (which I highly recommend for female entrepreneurs and business owners - this community is awesome!) - the message was from a lifestyle coach Alex Kate talking about her business and services, and letting us know there were spaces for new clients. I immediately hit reply and registered my interest. I've never had a lifestyle coach, but something inside me screamed that now is the time.
2019 so far has completely flatlined me - with events out of my control, my life went up in the air without the opportunity of a break and I felt my mind and soul getting more and more chaotic from every single angle. With all my best intentions, as hard as I tried to straighten my feelings and plans out I simply couldn't - if anything I felt like I was floating further from the shore and drowning in the emotional chaos.
Without going into details, I hoped that a coach can set me on a straighter path and help me untangle my emotions as well as teach me how to communicate in an effective and calm manner especially when everything gets a little too much. Overwhelm is a serious problem, especially in business owners and entrepreneurs, and it doesn't always have to come from work but it can all pile up personally as well.
I had my first Zoom call scheduled in with Alex - I honestly had no idea what to expect. She told me to be honest and open in a safe place, and from the get go said that the more we untangle this ball of emotions the harder conversations will get BUT ultimately we need to drill down to what's really weighing me down. I was surprised at how quickly and comfortable I was opening up about what's been going on - and even more so at how quickly Alex was able to read me as a person. She pinned down my immediate emotions and we spoke about a strategy to tackle them; what truly scares me and stops me from living my best life; what barriers I have when communicating certain emotions. I left my first session feeling very hopeful and encouraged that I can work through some of those emotions that have weighed me down and stopped me from being my best self. Which is what it all comes down to - who do I want to be when I show up to the people around me, be it loved ones or clients? How to I regain the confidence I had three years ago that somewhere along the shitstorm got pushed down? How do I learn to love and respect myself before anything else?
Alex Kate Coaching
It's been about 3 months since I've been having weekly coaching sessions with Alex and we have dived into a whole variety of topics which I never even knew could connect into one ball of tangled emotions and feelings. We have peeled off the 'layers' - I've learnt that initial emotional responses aren't always necessarily the real emotions: for example feelings of anger could be coming from a true feeling of loneliness or fear. I won't lie, some of the conversations we've had were tough, and some have even got me so emotional I cried. BUT that means I have made a true discovery within myself. And that discovery means I can work on those areas which need fixing - it's all about healing the wounds, not plastering over them and hoping they go away at some stage. Because let me tell you, those wounds that won't heal on their own and have that emotional plaster stuck on them get angrier by the day until eventually they start weighing you down. It's true.
I have also learnt so much about why people do what we do - like did you know that actually a day of mooching mindlessly on Netflix is sometimes necessary to recharge but more than often it's a sign of us being so exhausted our brain just gives up and goes into self-preservation mode? Or that the part of your brain which is connected to creativity simply can't be activated when the other part o your brain which is responsible for stress is already on total alert? Those golden nuggets of information that make you go "oooooooh shit, yep, that's me." My feelings of being exhausted and overwhelmed have been completely backed up by my every day behaviour.
More than finding out what the hell is actually going on, Alex sets me 'homework' to help me work on my mindset and emotions, as well as helps me devise a plan to move forward in a healthy and positive way - without hitting the stop button, which for a growing business is very important. Although I still feel like I want to book myself a cabin in rural Scotland with no wifi and spend two weeks doing nothing but drink wine by the campfire and go swimming in wild lakes and sources, I know I can't do this right now - but I can carry on pushing my life and my business forward without feeling weighed down or overwhelmed.
Having coaches is so important -whether it's a social media coach to help you with your digital marketing; a fitness coach to whip you in shape; or a lifestyle and mindset coach who can help you move forward and keep your head above the water. We all want to be the best version of ourselves, and sometimes we need guidance along the way. Which is why I think everyone needs an Alex.
Alex Kate Coaching
- A creative, wildly passionate woman
- Ready to step up into your next level
- Looking for something to keep you aligned and moving forwards
- Feeling held back by yourself, wishing you could just 'make it work' like everyone else
- Held back by patterns of self-doubt, self-sabotage, and a lack mindset
- Totally ready to smash those patterns apart
- Looking to meet more women who truly 'get' you
- Interesting in coaching but not sure what it's all about
This is your reset button. Alex is here to show you that you’re strong, and "fully fucking capable" - but you’re searching for a hand to reach out and guide you.
If you're interested in coaching but aren't quite sure how it can help you, or what it involves - this is an amazing way to get started, and you'll meet like-minded women who can help support you throughout your journey!
The programme starts on the 26th August and there is an early bird sign up price of £99 right now, and the programme then goes up to £149 on the 19th August.
Alex also offers "Mindset Moments" which are a great way to dip your toe into lifestyle coaching - £65 for a 1-off call, with notes and recorded call emailed afterwards.
I totally see the value of what a coach can bring to you (funny it's just now - I know the value I can bring to a business as a social media coach) but this has opened my eyes to why we need coaches in our lives - people who are passionate about certain areas and are true experts in their field.
I would love to hear from you if you have ever employed a coach whether personally or as a business - leave me a comment below and tell me all about it!
Visit Alex Kate Coaching website and find out more about the R&R Intensive Programme: Alex Kate Coaching
Book a Mindset Moment session here.
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